Memorandum of Understanding with Buckinghamshire Council
A Memorandum of Understanding between Buckinghamshire Council and Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors
This document provides a framework for the continued development of an effective relationship between Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors and Buckinghamshire Council.
The shared objectives of both parties include:
- Promoting high standards of Governance in all Buckinghamshire schools
- Promoting school improvement in all Buckinghamshire schools
- Promoting mutual trust, transparency and partnership working between Buckinghamshire Council and all Buckinghamshire schools
This relationship will lead to partnership working in the following ways:
- Regular exchanges of information and updates on strategic policy and service changes
- Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors representation on Buckinghamshire Council committees and working parties
- Dissemination of information and sharing of good practice
- Regular meetings of governors, officers, elected members, and Governor Support Officer
formal and informal consultation on local and national matters of concern
- Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors involvement in the appointment process for key Buckinghamshire Council staff that impact on the Buckinghamshire Council’s relationship with schools
- Buckinghamshire Council support for Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors activities
Nature of the Relationship
Buckinghamshire Council will therefore
- Acknowledge the role of Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors and its independence
- Circulate Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors information
- Accept Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors as an equal partner to other stakeholders
- Ensure that the views of governors are made known to elected members who are making decisions on school related matters
- Use the views of governors to inform its dealings with schools
- Support the continuation of Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors
- Provide limited administrative and financial support for Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors. This will support all Buckinghamshire Governors to remain as free members of Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors
Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors will therefore
- Endeavour to maintain lines of communication with schools and governors in Buckinghamshire
- Maintain an up-to-date website and ensure information is cascaded to the governor community
- Respond to the needs and concerns of governors in schools and support Buckinghamshire Council when needed within its resources.
- Encourage participation in Buckinghamshire Council and national consultations
- Monitor the effects of local and national initiatives through voluntary network groups
- Gather information useful for Buckinghamshire Council decisions and policymaking
- Provide governors with opportunities for discussion with colleagues
- Hold at least one annual event that supports Governance
This Memorandum was agreed at the School Governance Consultative Board meeting on 5 July 2022 and will be reviewed annually.
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