Chairs’s Networking Opportunity – Jordans – Saturday 7th November 2020 at 9.30am

Dear everyone

Welcome to the invite for this term’s Jordan’s meeting.  We decided to delay our meeting to just after half term in the hope that as we would be preoccupied with the immediacy of full school return there would be more certainty about the future by now in troubled times.  Well,  in some sense there is now ;- we know we are going to be in a COVID world of ‘bubbles’ and now ‘tiers’ and also tears (sorry – pun intended!) for the long haul.

This of course presents challenges for how to do governance within this new normal.  We now have to do all the governance stuff that was put on the ‘back burner’  last spring.  So it seems timely to be sharing our ideas and experiences in the light of DFE/NGA advice received of how we are doing this, what is happening in our schools so we can raise questions, share concerns and build on local good practice.
Jordans Chairs Group Meeting

Saturday 7th November 2020 9.30-10.45am via MS Teams

Click here to join the meeting

As ever we have put together a loose topic led agenda to inform the discussion:

1. Staying Strategic in current times

2. Focus of your Boards Agenda’s and Headteacher Reports on areas of focus for your schools

3. Remote Education

4. High Needs Update

5. Headteachers Standards updated

6. Ofsted!

7. Free school Meals – Christmas/Easter holidays?

Please can you email me ( if you would like to share any experiences, raise questions  by anything on the list in advance of the meeting as this will aid chairing the meeting on-line.

Please do invite any other chairs/Vice chairs with whom you are in touch

The meeting will be on MS teams and the invite link is here:  Click here to join the meeting

Anne Sheddick