Sent on behalf of Tolis Vouyioukas, Corporate Director, Children’s Services
Dear Colleagues,
I am sure that you have all seen the Prime Minister’s message to the country last night.
The information in the statement, whilst wide ranging, did not change the guidance that currently exists for schools. As such, and whilst we work with the DfE to get more clarity, I would ask that school leaders and staff continue with the arrangements that started on Monday morning. I am sure the situation will continue to develop rapidly over the coming hours and days. We will work with you to understand the expectations that have been placed upon us and to continue to protect the most vulnerable children and young people and those of key workers AS WELL AS our staff across our schools and Children’s Services.
The leadership that you all have demonstrated in your own schools and settings is truly humbling. Your compassion and integrity are second to none. We know that the announcement has left many questions which we will work hard to find answers to. I have a follow up call with the DfE later today and I understand that further guidance will follow. For now, please see the attachment and the reference to schools on page 1 which I know some of you have already seen.
We are now more connected than ever as a partnership and I am ever so proud to be surrounded by this magnificent group of school leaders. I don’t underestimate for a minute the impact this is having on you personally and I am here if there is anything that you need to discuss. I will also send a note about the support the EPS service will offer to our schools.
Please take good care.
Tolis Vouyioukas
Corporate Director
Children’s Services
Buckinghamshire County Council.