Governors FGB Meeting Agendas Update

FGB Meeting Agenda Summer Term 2020 BC & BASG fv

FGB BC and BASG supporting information fv

Sent on behalf of Paul Randall, Chair of the Bucks Association of School Governors

Dear Chairs and Clerks,

Buckinghamshire Council and Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors have worked in partnership to create a suggested FGB summer term agenda. There are areas that should be covered following the clear advice provided by the NGA, The Key and the DfE. All of these bodies are asking Governing Boards to keep monitoring to a minimum, not to overburden Headteachers, to focus on urgent business only and to be pragmatic in what Governing Boards cover in meetings during this time. Whilst these documents support holding your FGB meeting this term, it is understood in some contexts you might need to hold separate Finance, Personnel and Premises committee meetings.

The Key has issued some new guidance on agenda items looking forward to next September which is here

Buckinghamshire Council and Bucks Association of School Governors will continue to work in partnership and will update the attached documents over the coming weeks and post details via and