Information for Boards and Clerks, Finding a clerk, Training and support.


Premier national comprehensive site providing full services and support to all Governors. This includes advice, information, policies and access to on-line certificated training for governors and clerks. Also attendance free attendance at Local/national conferences and copies of Governing Matters magazine. BCC has paid subscription for all maintained schools and their governors to be members and academies at reduced cost.

Clerking – NGA

Clerks section of the NGA site with advice on recruiting clerks, and many support and training materials . Login required – full Access is free to Bucks Maintained schools and at reduced cost to Bucks Academies

Clerking – NGA –

Bucks Education Partnership (BEP)

The Bucks arm of Herts for Learning. Provides support for governors, clerks and training programme. Hosts Governor Hub for Bucks governors