Risk Assessment Criteria


Dear Colleagues.

The Side by Side Board have requested that we share with you the criteria used by the School Improvement team to risk assess all schools across the County.  Please find below a slide which illustrates the different strands of information that contribute to the overall risk assessment, which will also take into account discussions with Headteachers and Chairs of Governors where appropriate.

The annual risk assessment process takes places in the summer term and will result in a letter to all schools detailing the school’s Side by Side categorisation for the forthcoming academic year.  The risk assessment is, however, a dynamic document and as such a school can change category through-out the year, following discussion with the school leadership, as circumstances and need change.


Please contact the School Improvement Team on sis@buckinghamshire.gov.uk if you have any queries on the above.


Kind regards

The School Improvement Team

Education Endowment Foundation – Using your pupil premium funding effectively

Helpful evidence sources for school leaders developing their pupil premium strategy


Using pupil premium | EEF (educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk)


Reforming how local authority school improvement functions are funded


The DfE are seeking views on proposals to reform how local authorities’ school improvement functions are funded.

This consultation is being held on another website.

This consultation closes at

Consultation description

The local authority role in school improvement has changed significantly in recent years, with the growth of school-led approaches, such as multi-academy trusts, putting school improvement in the hands of the strongest schools and school leaders.

In turn, the local authority role in school improvement in maintained schools is increasingly focused on helping their schools access the support they need from the school system.

Given these changes in respective roles and responsibilities, we believe now is the right time to revisit local authorities’ school improvement functions and how they are funded.



Latest EEF news – NEW: ‘The EEF Guide to the Pupil Premium

The Education Endowment Foundation have published an updated Pupil Premium guide for school leaders. This can be accessed via the link below and has been updated based on the new DfE requirements.
Jo Goodman, who is the Regional Delivery Lead for EEF, will be presenting at the Bucks Education Partnership’s Chairs Strategic Briefing on Friday 12 November and will be talking about this.

DfE School Governance Update notification

Welcome to the November edition of the DfE’s School Governance Update, where you will find key announcements and information to support you in your governance role.

For this edition we have created one version to cover both maintained schools and academy trusts– the articles are listed below for information.

1) Message from Baroness Barran
2) Understanding your data: a guide for school governors and academy trustees updated
3) National Leaders of Governance – Eligibility for funded support and new designations
4) Free services for finding skilled volunteers to become school governors and academy trustees
5) Webinar for governors on implementing flexible working
6) View my financial insights (VMFI) tool has been updated with your latest data (academy trusts only)
7) Update your information – Get Information about schools (GIAS)

Here is the link to the page: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/school-governance-update/school-governance-update-november-2021

If you would like to provide us with any further feedback on the content or format of this update please email: schoolgovernance.update@education.gov.uk.

If you are no longer on a governing or trust board – please contact your former school/academy trust and ask them to update their records on their Get Information About Schools (GIAS) database. This will ensure you do not receive any further communications from the department.
Thank you,

School Governance Unit

Department for Education


Ofsted Update from Sue Cox, HMI, 18th October

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you to all those that were able to attend the Ofsted Update on Monday 18th October with Sue Cox, HMI.  Attached is the presentation from Sue.

EIF Refresher October Buckinghamshire LA


Hazel David

School Improvement Team

Children’s Services

Statement regarding families remaining abroad

Good evening, please see below with correct email address for queries

 Sent on behalf of James Fowler, Education Entitlement Manager

For queries regarding the email and attachment please contact childrenmissingeducation@buckinghamshire.gov.uk

 Dear Colleagues,

We are aware that many schools have pupils who have travelled overseas during the pandemic and who have not yet committed to a return date.

Please see the attached statement that gives advice on what actions schools can take in these circumstances.

Statement re families remaining abroad

Kind regards


James Fowler

Education Entitlement Manager

Children’s Services – Education

Buckinghamshire Council

Have any questions about coronavirus? Follow the links below to find further information.

 Schools FAQs page: https://schoolsweb.buckscc.gov.uk/covid-19-corona-virus-latest-advice/

Support for families: https://www.bucksfamilyinfo.org/coronavirus






BASG Committee Meeting Minutes for 13 September 2021 and 11 October 2021

Please find copies of our minutes from our recent BASG Executive Group Meetings

BASG Executive minutes 13 September 2021

BASG Executive minutes 11 October 2021


Chairs Network Meeting – Chesham / Amersham / Wendover / Great Missenden Area – Monday 1st November 2021 7pm

The next meeting for chairs in the Chesham/Amersham/Wendover/Missenden area is on Monday 1st November at 7pm using Microsoft Teams.

Key topics that seem to be of interest are:

  1. Mental Health of Pupils
  2. Wellbeing of Staff
  3. Closing the Gap (referencing Bucks programme)
  4. The new traded services from Bucks Council

but other topics can be added – do let me know of anything specific you want covered.  If you are a new chair it could be general questions about the role.

Please contact me on abrown1@chacademy.co.uk to let me know you are going to attend.  To join the meeting use this link.

Andrew Brown

Chair, Chiltern Hills Academy