NGA Summer Term Events

Join us for a packed summer term of Networks, Forums, Webinars and Seminars

We’ve got a packed summer term of events for you with our new Governance Leadership Forums, Network meetings for Clerks and MATs, our Summer Conference seminar series and a SEND conference to finish the term off. All this and our monthly webinars starting with a focus on Pupil wellbeing.

Governance Leadership Forums
Book your place at NGA’s new Governance Leadership forums running this term. These forums will bring together those in leadership positions from both governance and executive tiers, split into four relevant settings:

LA Maintained Schools Governance Leadership Forum, 6 May
MAT Trust Board Governance Leadership Forum, 11 May
Local Academy Governance Leadership Forum (for academy committees/LGB’s and headteachers), 18 May
SATS Governance Leadership Forum, 8 June

The forums will allow you to share your experiences and practice with others in similar governance situations. We are keen to include the views of boards and school leadership, please invite your school leadership to join us. All forums run from 4.30-6.00pm  Book now

Join us at NGA’s latest webinar – Tuesday 27 April 4.30-5.00pm
Why pupil wellbeing should be top of your agenda
Join Emma Balchin, NGA’s Director of Professional Development, to explore how you can prioritise, promote and monitor pupil wellbeing in your role.  The webinar will cover:

  • The current situation – what data is telling us
  • Promoting a whole school wellbeing culture
  • Monitoring data on pupil wellbeing
  • Questions for boards to ask

Book here

Save the Date

June and July will see even more events for your diary, beginning with the second SATs Governance Leadership Forum, followed by a series of seminars on key topics in place of our Summer Conference. We end the term with our SEND conference running over two days.
14-17 June           Summer Conference Seminar series
22 June                Clerking Network
1 July                    MAT Network
6-7 July                 SEND Conference


Bookings for these events will open shortly.

Curriculum and Assessment Conference, 11th May 2021

Dear Colleagues,

You are invited to register for the Curriculum and Assessment Conference on Tuesday 11th May at 1pm.  This will be online, conducted via MS Teams.

This conference sets out to explore current and considered approaches to assessment and recovery learning in the light of lessons learned throughout the pandemic. Speakers with national, regional, and relatable individualised perspectives will present their thoughts on the future of assessment and curriculum design in schools.

The conference will offer a positive and proactive response to the unique circumstances that have engulfed the sector since March 2020, seeking to reflect upon challenges and opportunities in order to address losses and inequalities, as well as promoting and capitalising on gains and advances where these can be seen.

We invite practitioners and school leaders to rethink assessment and consider the curriculum afresh to best serve the needs of our pupils in a changed and changing world.

To register your place please click on the link HERE



Hazel David

School Improvement Team

Children’s Services


For COVID-19 updates visit:

BASG Executive Minutes 19th April 2021

Meeting Minutes



Date & Time: 19 April 2021 at 5.00pm


Location: Virtual meeting via Zoom





Paul Randall (Chair), Anne Sheddick (Vice Chair), Maggi Bull,

Peter Lerner, Bernadette Allison, Jo Pearce, Martin Baxter, Andrew Brown, Gwyneth Langley (Secretary)



Agenda Item




1. Apologies for Absence  



There were no apologies for absence.


2 Notification of Any Other Business  

There were no items tabled for discussion under Any Other Business


3 Declarations of Interest  



Gwyneth Langley – BEP

4 Approval of Minutes From the Meeting Held on 1 March 2021 and Review of Actions  



The minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2021 were approved.


BASG Bank Account (Minute 4) – All outstanding payments from the BASG bank account had now been arranged.   The ongoing issue relating to correspondence was being resolved with the bank.





 JP / PR


5 Local Networking Groups  




Aylesbury Group


The Aylesbury Group had met on 23 March 2021.

There were a number of topics for discussion including an update on a recent Ofsted Inspection.   It was noted that there had been a strong focus on safeguarding during the inspection. Governing Board meeting minutes had been scrutinised to establish how well governors were challenging the leadership team in this area.


The next meeting would be on 4 May 2021. It was confirmed that the meeting was open to all governors.


Jordans Group


The Jordans group had met on 27 March 2021.  There had been a number of topics for discussion including:

–       Well-being

–       Review of the return to school

–       Managing allegations

–       Safeguarding

–       Policies


It was considered that the meeting had been more upbeat than the previous session.


The next meeting would be on 12 June 2021.


The Chesham, Great Missenden, Amersham and Wendover Group would meet on 24 May 2021 at 7pm.


PR would signpost future meeting dates at the LA Executive Directors Briefings w/c 19 April 2021





























6 BEP  

GL highlighted that there had been a number of recent discussions with current Chairs regarding succession planning for their roles.  BEP were advising on potential options, including Co-Chairing.


It was agreed that the LA should be encouraged to extend invitations to events to Vice-Chairs and other Governors to support succession planning and development of potential future Chairs.









7 Communications with Bucks Council  

PR, AS and PL had met with Simon James and Gareth Drawmer regarding BASG and its current / future role.   There had been two meetings and they had both been positive.


Historical issues with HR support for governors had been discussed at the second meeting and Simon James would be meeting with the Bucks HR team to discuss this.  AS was encouraged that there had been engagement on this issue following the paper that had been written.


There had been a number of other topics for discussion during the meetings including:

–       Learning Link

–       Governor training

–       Networking Meetings


A pro-forma will be developed to facilitate feedback to the LA from local networking groups.   This would be anonymised but ensure that there was a mechanism for raising issues or areas of concern.


It was noted that the Marlow Networking Group had not met since June 2019.   There had been some interest in reviving this.  GL would contact Sally Brooks to establish whether there had been any progress with this.


JP had been elected to Schools Forum and gave an update on the meeting held on 23 March 2021.   There had been discussion and updates on a number of areas including:

–       Budgets

–       Contingency Funding

–       High Needs Funding

–       Special School funding

–       Sparsity funding


It was noted that contingency funding was still available and schools should apply if relevant.


Post-16 requirements were currently putting pressure on High Needs Funding.


JP would forward a copy of the Schools Forum Constitution along with current membership.    The next meeting would take place on 29 June 2021 and JP would feedback on this.































8 BASG Newsletter  

Future plans for newsletters would be considered at a later date.




9 Buckinghamshire Challenge Group  

MB gave an update on the Buckinghamshire Challenge Group (formerly the Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Reference Group).


The group had met on 19 April 2021.


MB considered the meeting to have been more positive than previous meetings.  Gareth Drawmer had attended and listened to suggestions from group members.


It was noted that only 1 of the original 9 Headteachers had attended the meeting.


It was highlighted that many schools now had more pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding as a result of job losses during the Covid crisis.

A workshop  Does it make a difference: evaluating the impact of your disadvantage strategy on learners, led by Marc Rowland, would take place on Thursday 22 April 2021 and governors had been invited to this.

MB had written a paper proposing options for governor training in this area.  Georgina Masefield was currently reviewing this.


JP highlighted that Gareth Drawmer had suggested that BEP would be approached to deliver Pupil Premium training to governors in the Consultative Board meeting on 17 March 2021.    It was unclear whether this had been agreed. GL confirmed that BEP had not been contacted on this as yet.


MB would forward a report on the meeting on 19 April to the committee.





















10 BASG Event  – Governance for SEND and Inclusion – 27 May 2021  

Approximately 80 governors had registered for the event to date.  This was scheduled to take place via MS Teams.  AS was exploring other platforms should numbers grow to a level where MS Teams may be unstable.




11 Governance Consultative Board  

PL gave an update on the meeting that had taken place on 17 March 2021.    It was felt that the meeting had gone well.  It had been very helpful that written input from board members had been circulated in advance.


12 AOB  








Committee Membership


PR informed the group that Joanne Marchant had decided to step down from the committee. She had also resigned from her governor role at Heritage House School.       The committee acknowledged the significant work that Joanne had done for BASG and thanks would be passed on to her on behalf of the group.


Ofsted Inspections


MB highlighted that John Hampden Grammar School had not been inspected since 2008.    Members were aware of number of other schools in Bucks who were in a similar position.


13 Dates / Times of Future Meetings




Dates and times for future meetings were agreed as follows:


Monday 10 May  2021 5pm



The meeting closed at 6.55pm


The BEP Annual Governor Conference will run virtually on 18th June from 9.30am – 1.30pm. This year the title of the Annual Governor Conference is: Developing Despite Disruption. We will be exploring the lessons learnt from Covid-19 and how we can use these to our advantage as we move forwards in a different educational landscape.
Education Research
We are delighted that Jo Goodman, from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) will be our keynote speaker. The EEF have been a leading force in Covid-related education research this year and we are really excited to have their involvement.
We will be joined by Paul Edge a Microsoft Fellow and DfE demonstrator about the tech innovations and skills developed through the Covid-19 period, the impact of these and the opportunities they offer in the future in terms of education delivery and more broadly within the sector.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
We will hear from a Mental Health and Wellbeing expert who will look at the impact of Covid-19 on Wellbeing and what this means for the interrelationship of Wellbeing and Education in the future.
Schools which subscribe to the BEP full package are offered 2 tickets free of charge subject to booking via GovernorHub by the end of April. Tickets are also available to purchase for £25 each. For more information please contact:

DfE’s Governance Update – April 2021 edition

Welcome to the April edition of the DfE’s school governance update, where you will find key announcements and information to support you in your governance role.

For this edition we have created one version to cover both maintained schools and academy trusts – the articles are listed below for information.

1) Governing and trust boards meetings and visits into schools
2) National Tutoring Programme: subsidised tutoring available
3) ECF Statutory Induction Guidance Change
4) Honours nominations for those who work or volunteer in school or trust governance
5) Governor and trustee recruitment: Inspiring Governance and Academy Ambassadors
6) (Academy trusts only) How to complete or update your governance contacts on Get Information about Schools (GIAS)

Here is the link to the page:

If you would like to provide us with any further feedback on the content or format of this update please email:

Thank you,

School Governance Unit,

Department for Education

You have received this email notification because you have either requested to be included or your email address is recorded in your school/academy’s Get Information About Schools governance record. If you are no longer involved in governance, please contact your previous school/academy to amend your record and you will no longer receive future DfE communication.

Woodside Junior School – urgent need for a temporary Chair of Governors

Woodside is a junior school in Amersham ( There are currently 241 pupils on roll with a large number of pupils on a waiting list. The school employs 13 teachers and was judged as ‘good’ in July 2017 following an Ofsted inspection. The school joined ODBST (Oxford Diocese Buckinghamshire School Trust) in December 2019.

The school is a happy, nurturing place with a good reputation. The governing body has an excellent relationship with the senior management team within the school who appreciate the support and challenge the board gives the school. The current board of governors is led by two Co-Chairs who will be stepping down this summer. The governing body consists of 5 new board members with a further 3 likely to join soon. As all the board members are relatively new in post, an experienced governor or Chair is required in the interim to help support the school and its new members. For anyone willing to take on this role, the current co-chairs and an experienced clerk will be on hand to help. If you feel able to help then please do make contact:

If you have any questions please contact us or as we would be happy to discuss the role in more detail.


Closing the Gap, Evaluation of Need Workshop, Thursday 22nd April 2021

Does it make a difference: evaluating the impact of your disadvantage strategy on learners.

This workshop is part of the Closing the Gap initiative in Bucks, working to address the needs of vulnerable pupils and raise educational attainment.

Led by Marc Rowland, Research Schools Network and Owen Carter, ImpactED

Attendees are requested to bring their current / draft Pupil Premium strategy with them.

The session will provide practical guidance on how to put in place a rigorous evaluation framework, which is fundamental to:

– Targeted activities

– Workload reduction

– Changing and adapting practices

– An evaluate, not prove culture

– Better outcomes for disadvantaged pupils

The session will be particularly helpful; for governors, leaders / those responsible for the leadership of Pupil Premium in schools. It is part of our ongoing programme of work to support better outcomes for disadvantaged learners in Buckinghamshire.

The workshop will be conducted using MS Teams, to book your place click HERE

Hazel David

School Improvement Team

Children’s Services

Chairs of Governors, Clerks and LA Governors and Woodside Junior Request

Dear Colleagues,

I hope that you have had a restful Easter break, despite the weird weather, but we have seen the sun!

This is just a polite reminder to let me know of any changes to Chairs of Governors and Clerks via the mailbox.  There is no form to complete, just an email will suffice.

Woodside Junior School require an interim Chair, please see attached for further information.  If you are interested contact or

Woodside Junior School

New LA Governor appointments need to be approved by the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, Anita Cranmer.  I have attached the form that is used, just complete and send to me at .  The process can take between 5 to 10 working days.

Proforma for LA governor appointments.1

Many thanks for your help,

Hazel David

School Improvement Team

Children’s Services

Governance for SEND and Inclusion on Thursday 27th May 2021 at 5pm

We are delighted to invite all school governors, school leaders, SENCO’s and clerks to join us at our next event.

Governance for SEND and Inclusion on Thursday 27th May 2021 at 5pm

Tickets are available via Eventbrite

Keynote speaker Professor Adam Boddison – Chief executive of NASEN will focus on how Governors and Trustees can develop effective strategic practice to ensure there is an inclusive culture for SEND and Inclusion in all schools as well as review of SEND in schools. This will build on the processes set out in Adam’s new book – The Governance Handbook for SEND and Inclusion”  Adam’s session will build on the governor training offered by the LA with our Head of Integrated SEND Service Hero Slinn, so governors, Senior leaders and SENDCO’s can build on this to work in partnership to put in place best practice for inclusion and support in their schools and particular settings

Professor Adam Boddison is an inclusive and innovative leader of education and enterprise with a broad portfolio of experience both in the UK and overseas.

Adam is Chief Executive of the National Association for Special Educational Needs ( NASEN) and Chair of Whole School SEND. He is also a National Leader of Governance and sits on the boards of the Active Learning Trust and the Academies Enterprise Trust, which together provide education for more than 40,000 children across 80 schools (and 6600 staff) spanning primary, secondary and specialist settings.

Adam is a Trustee of the Potential Trust, a member of the National SEND Forum and a Fellow of RSA as well as Chair of the National SEND Reference Group. Prior to this, Adam was Founding Director of the Centre for Professional Education at the University of Warwick and Academic Principle for IGGY (a global educational social network for gifted teenagers). He is a Visiting Professor at the University of Wolverhampton, a published author and a qualified clinical hypnotherapist.

Adam’s latest book, The Governance Handbook for SEND and Inclusion Schools that Work for All Learners supports governors and trustees in developing effective strategic practice to ensure an inclusive culture in their schools. Building on the six principles of effective governance, it provides useful tips on achieving the right balance of support and challenge so that schools are enabled to meet the needs of learners with SEND.

 Paul Randall  and Anne Sheddick

 On Behalf of Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors

NEW Governor Training – New Dates for Summer Term!

Dear Colleagues,


Further to the message below we have new sessions added (in red).


Governor Training – New Dates for Summer Term


We are pleased to announce new online training dates for the Summer term.  These sessions are free to all Buckinghamshire Governors and Clerks.


Click on the links below to register your place on Eventbrite. You will receive an email to confirm your booking, if not contact


All events are conducted via MS Teams, please ensure the device you plan to use is compatible (eg: has access to chat bar).


Internet Safety 27th Apr 18.30 – 19.30 Tue Alison Watts
Prevent Duty – Guidance for Governors 13th May 18.30 – 19.30 Thu Alison Watts
The Role of the SEND Governor 18th May 18.30 – 19.30 Tue Hero Slinn
Embedding Equality and Diversity in Your School 26th May 18.30 – 19.30 Wed Yvette Thomas
Half Term
Educational Visits and Outdoor Learning 9th June 18.30 – 19.30 Wed Mike Harwin
Preparing for the Ofsted Visit Primary 15th June 18.30 – 19.30 Tue Ralph Batten


Exclusions – Guidance for Governors 23rd June 18.30 – 20.30 Wed Bernadette Little & Rose Lindsay
Health & Safety 29th June 18.30 – 19.30 Tue Caron Owens
Preparing for the Ofsted Visit Secondary 6th July 18.30 – 19.30 Tue Georgina Masefield
The Role of the PSHE Governor 14th July 18.30 – 19.30 Wed Carol Stottor


Please pass on this information to other governors in your school. Headteachers and other SLT members may attend these sessions.


Further information for governors is available at: and


Hazel David

School Improvement Team

Children’s Services


For COVID-19 updates visit: