NGA Regional Conferences 2020

These conferences are free for NGA members (the number of places is dependent on your membership package) and includes all day catering with a hot buffet lunch. Maintained Schools in Buckinghamshire are members of the NGA with the subscription paid for by the Local Authority.

The next Regional Conference still has some places available.

South East Regional Conference – Saturday 28 March 2020 – Reading
10am – 3.15pm
Please follow attached link for further information and how to book.


Ofsted extends curriculum grace period for a year

Schools will get an extra year to bring their curriculum into line with Ofsted’s new inspection framework.

Free Governor Training for all Buckinghamshire Governors – Next Booking Date Open

The Schools Team have arranged several twilight workshops which are free to all Buckinghamshire governors:

17th March Safeguarding – Georgina Masefield and ESAS
2nd April  Ofsted – Naureen Kausar
29th April Safer Recruitment – Pat Stappard
5th May Equalities – Yvette Thomas
12th May PSHE – Carol Stottor
3rd June SEND – Belinda Nunn/Hero Slinn
9th June Finance – Janaki Try
18th June Educational Visits – Mike Harwin

The first 3 dates are available to book now, the rest will follow shortly. Please book your place following the links below:

17th March Safeguarding

2nd April Ofsted

29th April Safer Recruitment

All sessions will be held in the Mezz rooms at County Hall Aylesbury and will be from 6.30 to 8pm unless otherwise stated.

Spring Term Governors’ Network Meeting

Governors’ Network Meeting – Saturday 8 February 2020

15 governors from a range of schools across Wycombe, Chiltern and South Bucks gathered for a successful network meeting on Saturday 8 February 2020. The meeting was attended by the Head of Equalities and School Improvement at Bucks County Council, who contributed to discussion on the following topics:

  • OFSTED – new framework – inspection feedback
  • School improvement support, including Side by Side
  • Schools Funding
  • LA Liaison, partnership and communications
  • Governor training
  • Clerking
  • Governor and teacher recruitment
  • Ofsted complaints handling

All governors completed a feedback form recording issues and concerns and BASG committee members will take forward a number of actions to feed into the School Governance Consultative Board and the Side by Side Reference Group, as appropriate.

Date of next meeting: 13 June 2020, 9:30 am at Jordans Quaker Meeting House.



Free Governor Training for all Buckinghamshire Governors

The Schools Team have arranged several twilight workshops which are free to all Buckinghamshire governors:

17th March Safeguarding – Georgina Masefield and ESAS

2nd April Ofsted – Naureen Kausar

29th April Safer Recruitment – Pat Stappard

5th May Equalities – Yvette Thomas

12th May PSHE – Carol Stottor

3rd June SEND – Belinda Nunn/Hero Slinn

9th June Finance – Janaki Try

18th June Educational Visits – Mike Harwin

The first 2 dates are available to book now, the rest will follow shortly. Please book your place following the links below:

17th March Safeguarding:

2nd April Ofsted:

All sessions will be held in the Mezz rooms at County Hall Aylesbury and will be from 6.30 to 8pm unless otherwise stated.

Chairs & Vice Chairs of Governors Networking Meeting – Tuesday 25th February 2020

To all Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Governors in Buckinghamshire:

There is an independent chairs network meeting coming up:
Tuesday 25th February at 7pm
Millbrook Combined School

If you would like to attend please email the facilitator, Simon Kearey.

These sessions are your opportunity to network, support one another and share experiences.

BASG are sharing this information on behalf of the facilitator, If you are holding an event that supports Governance in Buckinghamshire and would like us to advertise them for you please contact us with the relevant information.

Aylesbury Governor Network Meeting 5th February 2020 – 18.30-20.00

The Spring Term Aylesbury Network meeting is being held on 5th February 18.30-20.00hrs at Broughton Junior School.

The meeting will provide you with an opportunity to talk with and listen to other governors about issues of the moment.

The Executive Director’s Briefings have taken place and these raise issues that are worthy of discussion.

In the past we have avoided a formal agenda for these meetings but I have become aware of, and watched the webinar on, School financial value system SFVS, and I realise that this is a very significant step. Returns have to be made by the end of February so it is a priority. However it might be useful to discuss the implication of SFVS for governors. If you have any documentation please bring it to inform our discussion.

If you wish to include something on the agenda please let me know asap.

If you would like to attend this event please confirm to me directly

Martin Baxter –

BASG are sharing this information on behalf of the facilitator, If you are holding an event that supports Governance in Buckinghamshire and would like us to advertise them for you please contact us with the relevant information.

Chairs and Vice Chairs of Governors Network Meeting Saturday 8th February 2020

A reminder that our Spring Term network meeting will be held at Jordans Quaker meeting house on Saturday week – 8th February .

A list of potential discussion topics is below- but as ever please add to , amend and prioritise as you see fit.

Any Chairs, Vice Chairs ( especially new ones) who wish to join this discussion/networking group are more than welcome

Here is the list of possible topics- please add to and highlight as you see fit
• OFSTED- new framework- inspection feedback
• School improvement support – options? side by side?- how is it going
• SEND- especially ARP funding
• Funding
• LA Liaison and partnership
• Governor training
• Clerking
• Governor and teacher recruitment
• Anything else?

Please let me know if you wish to join us for the first time so I can add you to the database

BASG are sharing this information on behalf of the facilitator, If you are holding an event that supports Governance in Buckinghamshire and would like us to advertise them for you please contact us with the relevant information.

Spring Networking and Conference Spotlight on Disadvantaged

Spotlight On Disadvantage and Networking
Sam Henson- Director of Policy and Information- National Governance Association, NGA

FREE to all Governors and senior Staff
Wednesday 25th March Booker Park Community School Aylesbury 6 – 9.30 pm

BOOK NOW to reserve your place

GO TO Eventbrite

Following on from our successful Autumn Term event, BASG are delighted to invite BASG members – all Buckinghamshire Governors – and one member of their staff from Buckinghamshire schools to join us for FREE at our Spring Term event.
– ensuring that we continue with our theme of focusing on local and national issues – our focus will be a Spotlight on Disadvantaged.

We are fortunate that Sam Henson who is the NGA’s Director of Policy and Information will be talking to us about the NGA’s work on the Spotlight on Disadvantaged.
Since the introduction of the pupil premium in April 2011, little has been done to recognise the role of the governing board in spending the funding and more needs to be done to understand the impact of governance on supporting disadvantaged pupils. The NGA’s Spotlight on Disadvantaged campaign is informed by a new research report undertaken to explore the Governing Boards role in spending, monitoring and evaluating the pupil premium
Key findings of the work of the NGA are;

• Characteristics of the most effective pupil premium strategies (i.e. those that most strongly correlate with good outcomes for pupils) include: accounting for how every pound of the pupil premium budget is spent; having clear monitoring and success criterion for each initiative; and clarifying which group of pupils will receive funding.

• Analysis uncovered a ‘disconnect’ between the pastoral barriers to educational achievement facing pupils eligible for the pupil premium and the teaching and learning initiatives which schools are funding through the pupil premium.

• Governing boards view internal data and the opinions of senior members of staff more favourably than external data, academic research and the EEF toolkit when considering how to spend the pupil premium.

Timings – 18.00 – 21.30
6pm for arrival and networking
Refreshments will be provided
6.45pm to 7pm BASG update
7pm – Sam Henson NGA Director of Policy and Information – Spotlight on Disadvantaged

Booker Park Community School, Stoke Leys, Close, Aylesbury HP21 9ET
Parking available
SAT Nav postcode HP21 9EF




Executive Director Briefing Presentation January 2020

Attached is the presentation and TUPE document from the January Executive Director Briefings. These have been sent to all Headteachers, Chairs of Governors and Clerks.

EDB January 2020

Unitary Council Briefing Note