From Inspiring Governance Join our free governor recruitment support sessions in March, April and May

Join our free governor recruitment support sessions in March, April and May


Are you looking for skilled volunteers to join your governing board this year? Would you like to diversify how you find skilled volunteers to become governors or trustees at your school or multi academy trust?

Join us for a lunchtime learning session hosted on Zoom with Richard Ellam, Head of School and Trust Support, suitable for anyone who is signed up to the Inspiring Governance recruitment tool, regardless of your experience of using it. Attendees will experience:

  • A live walkthrough of the Inspiring Governance online recruitment platform with Q&A
  • Ideas on recruitment strategies using Inspiring Governance
  • A guide on writing more effective vacancies and invitations to attract more volunteers
  • Access to a volunteer’s eye view of what they see on the platform and in their invitations
  • Information about how to get help from the Inspiring Governance customer service team

Sign up to one of our sessions below – we look forward to seeing you there.

Thu 9 March 2023

Zoom webinar


Sign up

Thu 13 April 2023

Zoom webinar


Sign up

Essential Safeguarding Training and More – from BESST

Dear Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals,

We hope you enjoyed the half term break.

Below is a reminder of the schedule of training courses from BESST in the run up to Easter. Please do consider which sessions may be beneficial for your governors to attend to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to carry out their important roles.

New governors are especially encouraged to attend the Drop in session (23rd Feb) and Safeguarding in Schools session (2nd March).

For more information and to book a place on any BESST course, please visit the BESST website.


We look forward to seeing you at a BESST session soon.

Session Title Date
Trauma Informed and Attachment Aware Schools (FREE) 21.02.23
Drop-in for New Governors (FREE) 23.02.23
Exclusions and Reintegration – A governor’s guide 28.02.23
Safeguarding in Schools – An Introduction for Governors (FREE) 02.03.23
Championing High Quality PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) – The Role of the PSHE Governor 09.03.23
Preparing for an Ofsted Inspection – A Guide for Governors 21.03.23
Setting the Culture, Values and Ethos for your School 23.03.23


The BESST Team


BESST Newsletter – February

Dear Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals,

Please find attached the February edition of the BESST Newsletter.

BESST Newsletter Feb 23

Please share this newsletter with your governing boards.

Many thanks,


Help to protect children in Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes with NSPCC school’s programme

Speak out. Stay safe (SOSS) is a safeguarding programme for children aged 5 to 11 years old and is available to all primary schools across Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes.

It helps children, in an age-appropriate way, to understand:

  • abuse in all its forms and how to recognise signs of abuse
  • that abuse is never a child’s fault and that they have the right to be safe
  • where to get help and the sources of help available to them, including our Childline service

Through virtual assemblies and face-to-face workshops, children can learn about the different types of abuse in a child-friendly way, so they can get help if or when they need it. NSPCC staff and volunteers help them identify a trusted adult they can talk to if they’re ever worried about themselves or a friend.

With the help of Childline’s mascot Buddy, SOSS covers topics like bullying, neglect and sexual abuse – without using any scary words or adult language.

Last year, the NSPCC delivered SOSS online programmes to 51,356 children in 216 schools in the East of England and now we are looking for volunteers to train for our face-to-face assemblies.

Over the past year our counsellors at Childline delivered over 15,500 counselling sessions where children had spoken about abuse. 15% of those sessions were with children disclosing abuse for the first time. With the help of our SOSS programme many children may speak out sooner.

Hear more about the journey of a SOSS volunteer here – ‘Children are a source of inspiration, joy, and sometimes sadness’ – Buckinghamshire NSPCC volunteer | InYourArea Community

If you are someone with experience of delivering programmes in an educational or safeguarding setting, who is motivated by targets, with strong planning and organisational abilities, good communication and excellent people skills – we would love to hear from you.

If you’re interested in becoming a Speak Out Stay Safe volunteer please apply here NSPCC Volunteering | Job description email or contact Schools Coordinator for Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Laura franklin;

Laura Franklin

Schools Coordinator (Buckinghamshire & MK)

NSPCC Schools Service

Community Trade union Representative


For other information please visit –

Volunteer Opportunity of the Week: NSPCC’s Speak Out Stay Safe Programme – Community Action: MK (



Opportunity – Admissions Appeals Representatives

Dear Colleagues


The School Admissions and Transport Team are currently looking for colleagues to represent admission authorities (schools) at school admission appeals lodged by parents refused a place at a preferred school.


The role would be suited to colleagues who have time available during the working week.  Appeals follow an intensive timescale between April and September but also occur throughout the year.  Current colleagues undertaking this role are generally retired and include former Headteachers, local authority officers and governors.


A job summary is attached which contains full details of the role and other helpful information but if any colleague would like to chat about the role then please do call either myself, William Green, on 01296 382272 or Debbie Munday, Admissions and Transport Manager on 01296 2217.

Admission Appeals Representative role description – January 2023


William Green

Team Leader

Admissions and Transport Team

Children’s Services

Buckinghamshire Council



Contact Us

IMPORTANT: Schools and Cyber Security

Dear Colleagues,

On Friday 6th January the BBC reported on a series of cyber attacks by a hacking group called Vice Society. It has resulted in children’s SEN information, child passport scans, staff pay scales and contracts being leaked online. It is worth a read, and shows the vulnerability of schools’ cyber security is being exploited, putting sensitive personal data at risk. Please see the article here: Schools hit by cyber attack and documents leaked – BBC News and contact the SIS team if you have any immediate concerns

The latest statistics published by the Department for Education in July 2022 found that in the 12 months prior, 41 per cent of primary schools and 70 per cent of secondary schools had identified attacks or breaches. The South East Organised Crime Unit would like to help to reduce those numbers.

If you would like to learn more about how to protect your school against cyber attacks, the South East Organised Crime Unit offer FREE training sessions, both at leadership and whole staff levels. Please contact to discuss this further.

Kind regards,


Gareth Drawmer

Head of Service

Achievement & Learning


Important Updates for Information

Dear Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals,

For your information, please find attached copies of two emails that were sent to headteachers this morning.

  1. Industrial Action by the NEU, plus Industrial Action Information and Guidance attachment
  2. Brazel and Government Consultation

Important Update – Brazel and Government Consultation

Industrial Action by the NEU

Industrial Action Information and Guidance final (1)

Yours sincerely,


Natasha How

Corporate Director Briefing Slides

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you to those that were able to attend the latest Corporate Director Briefings.  I have attached the powerpoint presentation and the recording.

CDB Presentation Jan 23

The next dates are Tuesday 25th April 7pm and Thursday 27th April 9.30am.

Kind regards,


Natasha How


BESST upcoming courses and Governor Priorities Slides

Dear Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals,

In case you couldn’t join us, attached are the slides from the recent Governor Priorities session and presentation from the NGA for Bucks Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals. We hope those of you who attended found the session informative and useful.

01.10.23 Governor Priorities for Spring Term (BASG) Jan 23

01.10.23 Governor Priorities for Spring Term (NGA) Jan 23

Here is a reminder of the remaining Spring Term training sessions available to all Bucks governors on a pay as you go basis, through BESST. To book a place on any session, please visit the BESST website. We look forward to seeing you at an event soon!

 All sessions are online starting at 6.30pm and cost £25 per person, pay as you go, unless otherwise stated.

  • 24th January – The role of the Governing Board in overseeing SEND
  • 31st January – Allegations – A guide for Governors
  • 2nd February – Appointing an Executive Leader
  • 7th February – Being Strategic, What good governance looks like
  • 21st February – Trauma Informed & Attachment Aware Schools (FREE)
  • 23rd February – Drop in for new governors (FREE)
  • 28th February – Exclusions & Reintegration
  • 2nd March – Safeguarding in schools – An Introduction for Governors (FREE)
  • 9th March – Championing High Quality PSHE – the role of the PSHE Governor
  • 21st March – Preparing for an Ofsted Inspection
  • 23rd March – Setting the Culture, Values and Ethos of your School

Kind Regards

The BESST Team

January Corporate Director Briefings

Dear Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals,

Please see below reminders about briefings for Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals next week. Apologies that the director briefing booking links sent previously had a technical glitch, amended booking links are below.

 Corporate Director Briefings, January 2023 

Led by the Director of Children’s Services, John Macilwraith, these events are an opportunity to hear the latest news from Education, Social Care, SEND and the BASG teams.  They are open to all Headteachers, Chairs of Governors and Clerks. Both agendas are the same, just pick a time most convenient for you. Both meetings will be held on Teams.

Click to book:

Governor Priorities & NGA Presentation for Bucks Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals (Free)

 Join Jackie Sweeting, South East Regional Lead from the NGA, alongside representatives from the Bucks Association of School Governors and Buckinghamshire Council school improvement service to hear about priorities for governors as we head into the new year. Jackie will provide national context and top tips on hot topics, such as supporting vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils, and governor recruitment.

Click to book:

Tuesday 10th January at 6.30pm on Teams


We look forward to seeing you there!

 Natasha How