Woodside Junior School – urgent need for a temporary Chair of Governors

Woodside is a junior school in Amersham ( There are currently 241 pupils on roll with a large number of pupils on a waiting list. The school employs 13 teachers and was judged as ‘good’ in July 2017 following an Ofsted inspection. The school joined ODBST (Oxford Diocese Buckinghamshire School Trust) in December 2019.

The school is a happy, nurturing place with a good reputation. The governing body has an excellent relationship with the senior management team within the school who appreciate the support and challenge the board gives the school. The current board of governors is led by two Co-Chairs who will be stepping down this summer. The governing body consists of 5 new board members with a further 3 likely to join soon. As all the board members are relatively new in post, an experienced governor or Chair is required in the interim to help support the school and its new members. For anyone willing to take on this role, the current co-chairs and an experienced clerk will be on hand to help. If you feel able to help then please do make contact:

If you have any questions please contact us or as we would be happy to discuss the role in more detail.