South Bucks/Wycombe ( formerly Jordans) chairs networking group

Dear All

Our next networking group is this coming Saturday March 5th and Paul and I look forward to meeting you again as well as many new faces who can join us from 10- 11.30  You are all welcome

The Teams link to do so is here  Click here to join the meeting

As ever, our meeting format will be informal without a formal agenda but pick up on areas you would like to share your thinking and points of interest at the moment.  I have as usual posted a potential list of topics below.  If you wish to add anything then please do drop me a line.

I am delighted to let you know that Natasha How, who has just been appointed to the LA Team to support governance across the county will be dropping in for 20 mins or so from 10.30.  This will be an opportunity for her to meet us and vice versa and for her to introduce herself and to share her thoughts and priorities; as we can ours.

Meanwhile potential hot topics to consider

  1. Coping with COVID/Staff absence in a more covid relaxed world
  2. Wellbeing and mental health issues in school
  3. LA School support- Side by Side/ Disadvantaged  project/ SEND
  4. Social care- OFSTED report
  5. Recruitment- HTs – All staff
  6. Anything else you wish to add


Anne Sheddick