Key Stage 5 results – Data request from Buckinghamshire Council

Sent on behalf of Gareth Drawmer, Head of Achievement & Learning

Dear Colleagues,

I am sure that you, like us, are anxious about the Key Stage 5 results tomorrow and what they mean for your students. There has been a significant amount of change across the last 24 hours from the DfE and the implications of the decisions made in Scotland reverberate across into our national picture.

In order to help you, we are asking for your Key Stage 5 data. This will enable us to provide you with comparisons against information from this year and last on a county wide scale to support you in any challenges or representations that you may wish to make. It will also help Tolis, Simon and myself to be a voice for schools in Buckinghamshire in order to raise issues for you with the DfE.

To submit A Level results please use this link –

Alternatively, you can send us a copy of your PI Summary from SIMS Exams Organiser (or an equivalent system) via AnyComms Plus – please choose “Results Day Data Collection” when uploading your file in this way.

The more information that we have from each of you, the better we will be able to support you. I am aware that this is a very busy time but I would appreciate your co-operation in this.

Warm regards,


Gareth Drawmer

Head of Service

Achievement & Learning

Children’s Services

Buckinghamshire Council

Walton Street, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1UZ

Office – 01296 382384

Mobile – 07850 539148