DfE Educational Settings Status Form
Sent to all Headteachers
Dear Colleagues
At the start of this new academic year, please can we remind all schools that daily completion of the DfE Educational Settings Status Form is essential. The information on how to complete the form is here https://www.gov.uk/guidance/how-to-complete-the-educational-setting-status-form
Whilst we appreciate the administrative burden, it is vital that both the DfE and Buckinghamshire Council receive this information on a daily basis, so that we can understand the pressure on schools and consider pragmatic solutions which will help you. The DfE will discuss each school closure with us, so it is key that we have this information in advance.
When you are considering a move to remote learning for either groups of pupils or all pupils, based on the guidelines and thresholds in the new contingency framework, please follow the below process:
If you have to close down a class or more then this must be recorded on the SchoolsWeb closures form. We would ask that you refer to this as a move to remote learning rather than labelling it as a closure. Two new categories of reason have been added to SchoolsWeb closure page:
- Moved to remote learning – whole school
- Moved to remote learning – specific pupil groups only
It is important that you include additional details, such as which year groups, how many pupils are affected and how many (if any) staff are affected. In the situation where the whole school moves to remote learning, whilst the school buildings may be closed, you and your staff are still providing education to the children and the above descriptors better articulates this to parents.
Thank you for your assistance with the above process, which will help provide clarity for all.
Richard Nash Simon James
Corporate Director, Children’s Services Service Director, Education