BESST upcoming courses and Governor Priorities Slides
Dear Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals,
In case you couldn’t join us, attached are the slides from the recent Governor Priorities session and presentation from the NGA for Bucks Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals. We hope those of you who attended found the session informative and useful.
01.10.23 Governor Priorities for Spring Term (BASG) Jan 23
01.10.23 Governor Priorities for Spring Term (NGA) Jan 23
Here is a reminder of the remaining Spring Term training sessions available to all Bucks governors on a pay as you go basis, through BESST. To book a place on any session, please visit the BESST website. We look forward to seeing you at an event soon!
All sessions are online starting at 6.30pm and cost £25 per person, pay as you go, unless otherwise stated.
- 24th January – The role of the Governing Board in overseeing SEND
- 31st January – Allegations – A guide for Governors
- 2nd February – Appointing an Executive Leader
- 7th February – Being Strategic, What good governance looks like
- 21st February – Trauma Informed & Attachment Aware Schools (FREE)
- 23rd February – Drop in for new governors (FREE)
- 28th February – Exclusions & Reintegration
- 2nd March – Safeguarding in schools – An Introduction for Governors (FREE)
- 9th March – Championing High Quality PSHE – the role of the PSHE Governor
- 21st March – Preparing for an Ofsted Inspection
- 23rd March – Setting the Culture, Values and Ethos of your School
Kind Regards
The BESST Team