BC Emergency Contact Information for Schools
Dear Chairs of Governors,
On behalf of Gareth Drawmer, please find attached the guidance and contact numbers for schools to use when contacting Buckinghamshire Council in an emergency.
Please ensure you save a copy of this information in case you should need it in an emergency situation in future.
2022 09 School Emergency Contacting BC (003)
This information is also available on Schools Web Emergencies page, which requires you to be logged in to be able to access. https://schoolsweb.buckscc.gov.uk/emergencies/ If you do not have a log in for Schools Web, your headteacher can request one for you by emailing TradedServices@Buckinghamshire.gov.uk
Many thanks,
Natasha How
School Governance Support Officer
Childrens Services Directorate
Buckinghamshire Council
Walton Street Offices, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1UA
Please note my working hours are Monday – Thursday 11.00-15.30