Minutes – 15th October



Date & Time: 15 October 2019 at 18.30 – 20.30 hours


Location: Carrington Junior School, 4 Chapel Road, Flackwell Heath, High Wycombe Bucks HP10 9AA






Paul Randall (Chair), Anne Sheddick (Vice Chair), Jo Pearce (Treasurer),

Joanne Marchant, Gwyneth Langley, Bernadette Allison (Secretary)


Maggi Bull, Peter Lerner, Tomas Pukalski



Agenda Subject







Apologies for absence



As above




Notification of any other business






Declaration of interest



None related to the agenda

4. Approval of minutes from the meeting held on 9 September 2019


Minutes approved with amendment:


Agenda item 14 – should read “…JP will meet on 14.09.19 with GD…”


All actions were incorporated within the agenda.







Website and Facebook



Thanks were expressed for the work TP has carried out linked to the development of the website.

Time now needs to be devoted to proof reading each section.

AS will review the resources section and training.

JP and GL will develop the clerking section.


It was agreed that all members of the group would support with reviewing the remainder of the website.

We need to have this finalised for our next meeting on 4.11.19.

We should then be ready for the re-launch the webpage at our AGM on 27.11.19


Once the website is finalised we will then develop our presence on facebook and twitter.


Thanks were also expressed to The Red Kites School Trust for the photographs they have provided for BASG website.



















It was agreed that the following amendments will be made:


3.2.(i) – sentence ends with persons (delete – provided that the Association shall not undertake trading activities in raising funds for the said objects)

8.(x) – insert “and or working groups” after sub-committees


With the above amendments, the constitution

was approved.

It will now be saved as a pdf file and circulated to the Executive Committee along with these minutes






















Safeguarding workload


The group is aware that some schools are involved in discussions regarding the increasing workload being placed on schools linked to safeguarding issues.

This continues to be a major drain on staffing and resources within schools.













JP was able to update the group on a meeting with GD on 14.10.19

JP was joined at the meeting by two experienced clerks.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the recruitment and training/mentoring/support for clerks.



Action/follow up from the meeting:


  • It was agreed that LA would look at providing their own clerks’ briefing to give the Bucks perspective and updates
  • GD will put a proposal together as to how these briefings might look with the agreed proposal being in place before the end of this term
  • It was agreed that good quality training and some kind of quality assurance was key for new clerks
  • The clerks present at the meeting will put a proposal together for the recruitment/mentoring/training of new clerks which will be completed before the end of term


JP to keep BASG updated regarding progress in the area of Clerking.










Networking meetings


PR and AS have attended networking meetings.

It appears that the on-going issues are:


  • Communication
  • SEND
  • Training
  • HT recruitment


JM will check if other networking meetings are taking place within the LA.
















Consultative Board


AS was able to brief the group on the September Governance Consultative Board meeting with reference to Side by Side Strategy document.


Questions raised referred to:

  • Communication
  • Funding
  • Designation and Facilitation
  • Entitlement
  • Governance


It was suggested that the actions required following the meeting would be attachment to the minutes











At present we have eighty attendees registered

AS will extend personal invitations to BCC representatives


Refreshments – it was agreed this should be catered.


Insurance – MB is following up on this















Communication with BCC


PR fed back regarding communications with BCC


It is recognised that:

·      communication is a growth point

·      high quality training remains a priority

·      links with BASG and invitation to BCC

to attend predetermined BASG meetings













Executive Briefings


BASG hopes that in the future at Executive Briefings that BASG is embedded in the agenda and not seen as tagged on at the end.












Date and time of the next meeting


Meeting closed at 20.30


Thanks to AS for facilitating venue for the meeting.


Next meeting:


4.11.19 at 19.00 at Loudwater (?)