BASG Executive Minutes 16th June 2020




Date & Time: 16 June 2020 at 18.00 hours


Location: Virtual meeting through Zoom







Paul Randall (Chair), Maggi Bull, Peter Lerner, Tomas Pukalski, Joanne Marchant, Jo Pearce, Gwyneth Langley

Bernadette Allison (Secretary)


Anne Sheddick (Vice Chair) – received and accepted


Start of the meeting was delayed to 18.25 through technical issues.



Agenda Subject







Apologies for absence



Anne Sheddick




Notification of any other business






Declaration of interest



Maggi Bull – Chair of NGA




Approval of minutes from the meeting held on 6.05.2020



Minutes approved.













Consultative Board



The scheduled meeting was cancelled because of a clash with another important meeting with members.

As of yet, there is no rescheduled date. MB will continue to follow up as the group felt it would be good to ensure such a meeting took place prior to the summer break.



There remains a vacancy for a parent governor on the Board. It does involve a big commitment but it would be helpful for the vacancy to be filled.

Further communication about this would be helpful.











Side by Side Reference Group


There was a virtual meeting but attendance was low – agenda was late in arriving and also the late arrival of minutes may have been a contributory factor.

A SWOT analysis has taken place with the question about whether an action plan will follow so as to be able to plan the way forward.

Governance was flagged up.

Yvette Thomas thanked BASG for their continued support during this meeting.


18.38pm JP joined the meeting.








Communications with Buckinghamshire Council (BC)


PR has had a positive skype meeting with Simon James (Service Director – Education).

The discussion was based on working with BASG/Governance across the County.





Networking groups


The Aylesbury networking group (usually facilitated by MB) continues to meet regularly through Zoom with the focus mainly on pupils returning to school in the present situation.

The group usually has 11/12 attendees.

Another meeting is expected before the close of the summer term – date to be arranged.

The group are very receptive to receiving any relevant information from BASG regarding governance. BA attends this group and will provide this information moving forwards.



South Bucks (AS Chair) met over the weekend.

Discussion took place around the opening of schools which highlighted the range across the authority.

Concerns regarding plans for the summer and September were shared within the group.





















Governor Training


Online training from BC has been organized for Governors:



·         Equalities (possible repeat session as oversubscribed)

·         Public Health for Governors

·         E-safety


The sign up has been very positive.








NGA & Learning Link membership


PR will continue to follow up regarding the communication to Governing Boards.

It was felt that Academies also need to be informed.










Schools opening for more pupils



This is a major priority at the moment.

An array of information has been delivered to schools. It is important to be clear what the next steps are going to be for schools and their leaders.

Each school has been assigned a support officer from BC.


PL left the meeting at 18.59 as he needed to attend another meeting.




















Date and venue of next meeting


Tuesday 7.07.2020 at 18.00


(JP will send the Zoom link prior to the meeting)


Meeting finished at 19.10