Entries by Webmaster

Governors FGB Meeting Agendas Update

FGB Meeting Agenda Summer Term 2020 BC & BASG fv FGB BC and BASG supporting information fv Sent on behalf of Paul Randall, Chair of the Bucks Association of School Governors Dear Chairs and Clerks, Buckinghamshire Council and Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors have worked in partnership to create a suggested FGB summer term agenda. […]


RS NM TV Letter 22 April 2020[27570] Sent on behalf of Tolis Vouyioukas, Corporate Director, Children’s Services Directorate Dear Colleagues, Please find letter attached for your attention. Regards, Tolis Vouyioukas Corporate Director Children’s Services Directorate Buckinghamshire Council 01296 383 104 tolis.vouyioukas@buckinghamshire.gov.uk The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury HP19 8FF

NGA’s annual school governance survey 2020

Thank you for taking the time to add your voice to this survey of those governing across England. For the last 10 years, NGA has been running an annual survey of governors and trustees in England to gain an insight into who governs our schools and why and how they do it. The responses play […]

Risk Assessments for School Attendance – for action

Buckinghamshire Council Education Settings Risk Assesment guidance_[27366] Copy of Buckinghamshire Risk Assessment for vulnerable children and those with EHCPs(27365)   Sent on behalf of Joanna Cassey, Service Director for Education, Children’s Services Directorate Dear Colleagues, Please find attached a risk assessment for completion for school attendance. We hope this guidance supports you to determine the […]

Urgent Request for Lab Coats

Sent on behalf of Rebecca Campbell, Chair of the PEB Dear all The Buckinghamshire Health Trust would like any available Lab coats from schools this weekend. I know this is a difficult request but they have only just sent this urgent request. If you can support with donating any Lab Coats to your local Bucks […]

PPE advice – flowchart for schools

Sent on behalf of Dan Flecknoe, Public Health Consultant Dear Colleagues Working alongside Public Health England we have produced the attached guidance which is based on the national advice around PPE. This document has been developed as helpful information for schools, education providers and settings to refer to in the context in which they are […]

Supporting our vulnerable students in these uncertain times

Sent on behalf of: Debra Rutley, Executive Headteacher, Aspire Schools and Richard Nash, Service Director, Children’s Social Care, Buckinghamshire Council Dear All During this period of uncertainty, schools may want to consider an ‘outreach model’ as a viable alternative for keeping vulnerable students safe. Although this is very different from what we are traditionally used […]