Entries by Webmaster

BESST Newsletter – Jan 23

Dear Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals, Happy New Year! Please find attached the latest newsletter from BESST to share with your governing boards. BESST Newsletter Jan 23 We look forward to seeing you at BESST briefings and training sessions soon! BESST BESST Governor Training | Buckinghamshire (buckscc.gov.uk)

Emergency Contact Information

Sent on behalf of Gareth Drawmer, Head of Achievement and Learning Dear Colleagues, Following an incident prior to Christmas where it was necessary for us to use the Schoolsweb Emergency Contacts list, it was apparent that some schools had not updated changes to their Headteacher and/or Chair of Governors contact details.  These telephone numbers and […]

Buckinghamshire Challenge Event 16th January 2023 – Agenda and times

Good afternoon, Please find attached the draft agenda for the Buckinghamshire Challenge event on January 16th (note the end time has changed).  We hope that Headteachers, Governors, Deputy Headteachers, Disadvantage Leads, and Project Leads are able to join us to share the stimulating feedback from Marc Rowland and schools involved in projects. Bucks Challenge Review […]

DfE School Governance Update notification

Good wishes for the holidays and New Year This is the December edition of the DfE’s school governance update, where you will find key announcements and information to support you in your governance role. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/school-governance-update/school-governance-update-december-2022 For this edition we have created one version to cover both maintained schools and academy trusts– the articles are listed […]

Thank you for your incredible work this term – Department for Education

Teacher Bulletin This is a very short Teacher Bulletin just to say thank you for another term of outstanding work. Every moment you spend supporting your students provides them with the tools for future success, and you do it brilliantly. You have helped children and learners through the disruption of the pandemic and the challenges […]

Corporate Director Briefings and NGA Presentation for Bucks Chair & Clerks

Dear Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals, Please see below reminders about briefings for Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals in early January.  Corporate Director Briefings, January 2023  Led by the Director of Children’s Services, John Macilwraith, these events are an opportunity to hear the latest news from Education, Social Care, SEND and the BASG […]

BESST Newsletter- Dec 22

Dear Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals, Please find attached the latest newsletter from BESST. Please share this with your governing boards. This month’s newsletter includes information about the Therapies Strategy Consultation, a focus on the invaluable importance of professional clerking for governing boards, and reminders of dates for your diary. BESST Newsletter 13.12.22 Many […]

Bucks Challenge Autumn Newsletter

Dear Colleagues, Please find attached the newsletter from Marc Rowland which contains a wealth of resources for schools and details of the Buckinghamshire Challenge Review event on the 16th January 2023. Newsletter Autumn 22 We will be sending out more information regarding the event very soon, so please keep an eye out for updates before […]


Sent on behalf of Jo Whiteley, Head of HR Consultancy, Policy and Reward, Buckinghamshire Council. Dear Colleagues, I am writing to update you about the actions the council is planning to take following the Brazel vs Harpur Trust Supreme court ruling regarding holiday pay. Please see attached our first information sheet about the plans to […]