DfE School Governance Update
Welcome to the New Year edition of the DfE’s school governance update.
Here you will find key announcements and information to support you in your governance role. For this edition we have created separate updates for maintained schools and academies – the articles are listed below for information. Please click on the following link to go to the Governance Update page: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/school-governance-update?utm_source=GT&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=January
Local authority maintained schools articles
1. New Year message from Lord Agnew
2. Consultation on the removal of the outstanding exemption
3. NFER and DFE survey of governance sector – deadline for responding extended
4. Are you aware of the clerking competency framework?
5. Calling clerks – do you want to be heard?
6. Funded training and development programmes available now
7. Compare how much your school is spending on agency supply teachers
8. Keep your details on ‘Get Information About Schools’ (GIAS) up to date to receive email alerts direct
Academy Trusts articles
1. New Year message from Lord Agnew
2. Consultation on the removal of the outstanding exemption
3. NFER and DFE survey of governance sector – deadline for responding extended
4. Add your member and trustee email addresses to the ‘Get Information About Schools’ (GIAS) database
5. Are you aware of the clerking competency framework?
6. Calling clerks/governance professionals – do you want to be heard?
7. Funded training and development programmes available now
8. Compare how much your school is spending on agency supply teachers
If you would like to provide us with any further feedback on the content or format of this update please email: schoolgovernance.update@education.gov.uk.
Thank you,
School Governance Unit,
Department for Education