Our event that we held virtually on Governance for SEND and Inclusion on Thursday 27th May 2021 was well attended with school governors, school leaders, SENCO’s and clerks in attendance.
Keynote speaker Professor Adam Boddison – Chief executive of NASEN provided an insightful and thought provoking presentation, which was well received by everyone. There was a clear focus on how Governors and Trustees can develop effective strategic practice to ensure there is an inclusive culture for SEND and Inclusion in all schools as well as review of SEND in schools. We would like to than Professor Adam Boddison for giving up his time to support BASG and the important area of SEND, a copy of the presentation is attached here.
We are delighted to invite all school governors, school leaders, SENCO’s and clerks to join us at our next event.
Governance for SEND and Inclusion on Thursday 27th May 2021 at 5pm
Tickets are available via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/governance-for-effective-inclusion-and-send-tickets-147642485649
Keynote speaker Professor Adam Boddison – Chief executive of NASEN will focus on how Governors and Trustees can develop effective strategic practice to ensure there is an inclusive culture for SEND and Inclusion in all schools as well as review of SEND in schools. This will build on the processes set out in Adam’s new book – The Governance Handbook for SEND and Inclusion” Adam’s session will build on the governor training offered by the LA with our Head of Integrated SEND Service Hero Slinn, so governors, Senior leaders and SENDCO’s can build on this to work in partnership to put in place best practice for inclusion and support in their schools and particular settings
Professor Adam Boddison is an inclusive and innovative leader of education and enterprise with a broad portfolio of experience both in the UK and overseas.
Adam is Chief Executive of the National Association for Special Educational Needs ( NASEN) and Chair of Whole School SEND. He is also a National Leader of Governance and sits on the boards of the Active Learning Trust and the Academies Enterprise Trust, which together provide education for more than 40,000 children across 80 schools (and 6600 staff) spanning primary, secondary and specialist settings.
Adam is a Trustee of the Potential Trust, a member of the National SEND Forum and a Fellow of RSA as well as Chair of the National SEND Reference Group. Prior to this, Adam was Founding Director of the Centre for Professional Education at the University of Warwick and Academic Principle for IGGY (a global educational social network for gifted teenagers). He is a Visiting Professor at the University of Wolverhampton, a published author and a qualified clinical hypnotherapist.
Adam’s latest book, The Governance Handbook for SEND and Inclusion Schools that Work for All Learners supports governors and trustees in developing effective strategic practice to ensure an inclusive culture in their schools. Building on the six principles of effective governance, it provides useful tips on achieving the right balance of support and challenge so that schools are enabled to meet the needs of learners with SEND.
Paul Randall and Anne Sheddick
On Behalf of Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors
This year our AGM was held virtually on the 14th January 2021. We were fortunate to have a special guest and speaker Emma Knights OBE Chief Executive of the NGA.
Once the procedural business of the AGM was concluded, Emma gave a super presentation on the future of school governance, which was well received by the high number of attendees.
BASG would like to thank Emma for giving her time in supporting our AGM and providing an insightful thought provoking presentation.
BASG AGM January 2021 with EK slides
We are delighted to invite all school governors, school leaders and clerks to join us at our AGM
On Thursday 14th January 2021 at 5pm
The AGM will be held virtually. Information on how to join the event and the meeting etiquette will be sent to you one week prior to the event.
Tickets are available via Eventbrite
Special guest and speaker Emma Knights OBE Chief Executive of the NGA
Emma Knights, OBE Chief executive of the National Governance Association
Emma leads the organisation under the direction of NGA’s board of trustees.
As chief executive of the National Governance Association (NGA), Emma Knights leads the charity to fulfil its aim of improving the educational standards and wellbeing of young people by increasing the effectiveness of governing boards in maintained schools and academy trusts and oversees the day-to-day operations of the organisation.
Emma promotes the interests of the school governance community and amplifies the voice of NGA’s members at a national level with legislators, policymakers, education sector organisations and in the media.
Emma is an accomplished writer and speaker on a range of school governance policy and practice topics, and has a particular interest in vision, culture and strategy; accountability; stakeholder engagement; disadvantage; ethical leadership; and diversity and inclusion. Emma is co-author of The Chair’s Handbook and NGA’s Moving MATs Forward: the power of governance report. Prior to joining NGA in 2010, Emma was joint CEO of the Daycare Trust and before that, worked in a number of roles in the voluntary sector. She was a governor at a secondary school in Warwickshire for eight years.
Working across the education sector, Emma has recently participated in the Department for Education’s headteacher standards review group, NAHT’s accountability commission, the Department for Education’s flexible working advisory group, and the Ethical Leadership Commission, and has previously sat on the Commission on Religious Education and the Knowsley Education Commission.
Under Emma’s leadership since 2010, NGA has grown to become the leading expert charity for guidance, research, advice and training for school governors, trustees and clerks, with over 40 staff and a strong presence in the education sector
AGM Timings are:
17.00 – 17.30 – AGM
17.30 – 18.00 – Guest Speaker – Emma Knights
18.00 – 18.15 – Questions for Emma Knights
Paul Randall
On Behalf of Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors
BASG AGM 2019 – 2020 and Presentation by Mick Waters
On Wednesday 27th November 2019 the Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors (BASG) held their AGM, the main focus of the evening was for Mick Waters to talk about the Governors Role in Curriculum Effectiveness Balance in all Respects.
Initial feedback on this event has been extremely positive, Mick Waters edit of BASG[4197]
BASG will now aim to hold an event during the Spring Term with another high-quality speaker
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