Side By Side Conference – 7th December – Sharing the Ofsted Experience
Dear Chairs of Governors,
Below is a summary of the remaining BESST Governor training and Side By Side conference events this term. Please consider which may be relevant for you and/or your governors to attend and book your places using the links provided.
- Side by Side Conference – Sharing the Ofsted Experience – 7th December, 09.30-12.00 (Free, online)
We are very pleased to confirm the programme (hyper-linked and attached) for the next Side by Side conference on the 7th December 2022 which is open to Buckinghamshire school leaders and Governors. The conference is free to all Bucks schools and will be held on Teams from 9.30am to 12pm.
The focus will be Ofsted inspections and we have 3 Buckinghamshire schools presenting their insight, following a recent inspection. Hear key messages from primary headteachers and feedback from secondary school experiences. This will be an opportunity to hear the key lines of Ofsted inquiry and allow you to be prepared for the phone call. To book your place visit HERE
- Getting the Most out of your Governor Monitoring Visits – 29th November, 18.30-19.30 (£25 pp, online)
An experienced Chair of Governors will talk you through what to think about before your governor monitoring visit, what to expect when you are in school and things to consider after your visit to make sure your governing work has lasting impact. For more information and to book your place visit the BESST Website
- Financial Control & Accountability Training – 1st December, 18.30 – 19.30 (£25 pp, online)
The session will focus on the Schools Financial Value Statement, an annual mandatory return for maintained schools. Completing the SFVS self-assessment aims to help your school manage its finances and provide assurances to the local authority that effective financial management is in place. For more information and to book your place visit the BESST Website
- Internet Safety, Keeping Children Safe Online – 6th December at 18.30-19.30 (£25 pp, online)
Join Alison Watts, Prevent Education Officer, to learn about new and emerging technologies that young people are using and the potential risks these pose. This session is relevant to all governors, especially those with responsibility for safeguarding. For more information and to book your place visit the BESST Website
We hope to see you at these events and future training from BESST next term.