Governor Training Dates, Summer 2021 Update

Dear Colleagues,

Please be aware that we have moved 2 dates of training in the summer term.

Preparing for the Ofsted Visit – Primary session has moved FROM 15th June to 7th July

The Role of the PSHE Governor has been moved FROM 14th July to 17th June

All registered have been contacted directly.  The revised summer timetable is below, click on the titles to book:

Educational Visits and Outdoor Learning 9th June 18.30 – 19.30 Wed MS Teams Mike Harwin
The Role of the PSHE Governor 17th June 18.30 – 19.30 Thu MS Teams Carol Stottor
Exclusions – Guidance for Governors 23rd June 18.30 – 20.30 Wed MS Teams Bernadette Little & Rose Lindsay
Health & Safety 29th June 18.30 – 19.30 Tue MS Teams Caron Owens
Preparing for the Ofsted Visit Secondary 6th July 18.30 – 19.30 Tue MS Teams Georgina Masefield
Preparing for the Ofsted Visit Primary 7th July 18.30 – 19.30 Wed MS Teams Naureen Kausar

I have also attached the troubleshooting document for course bookings.

Troubleshooting for Courses on emails


We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Hazel David

School Improvement Team

Children’s Services



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