FW: Funding for Digital Devices – Deadline Extension
Dear Colleagues,
We note that we have not yet had a return from your school detailing the pupils in your school that still do not have sufficient access to a digital device in their home to enable them to participate in remote education. I attach a copy of the original email which was sent on 9th February.
Please can you provide details on the spreadsheet attached above of which pupils you will be claiming for and confirmation that they meet the four criteria. Once complete, please save your file with the filename 825LLLL_825xxxx_Remote Learning Support.xlsx, where xxxx is your school number, then upload the file to AnyComms Plus selecting “Remote Learning” as the file type. We have extended the deadline until end of school day today, Thursday 11th February, to allow you extra time to submit this information. We would be grateful if the school could submit a ‘nil’ return if there any no pupils in the school that meet the four eligibility criteria for our records.
We will then confirm the number of eligible pupils and the maximum amount of funding available for your school and provide more details on how to process your claim tomorrow, Friday 12th February. To participate in this scheme, all claims must be made by Friday 26th February.
825LLLL_825xxxx_Remote Learning Support (002)
Kind regards and thank you for your support,
Gareth Drawmer
Head of Achievement and Learning