BASG Executive Minutes 11th January 2021
Date & Time: | 11 January 2021 at 17.00 hours
Location: | Virtual meeting through Zoom
Apologies: |
Paul Randall (Chair), Anne Sheddick (Vice Chair), Maggi Bull,
Joanne Marchant, Peter Learner, Bernadette Allison (Secretary)
Gwyneth Langley join the meeting at 17.10
Agenda Subject |
Action |
1. |
Apologies for absence
GL will be able to join just after the start of the meeting. |
2. |
Notification of any other business
None |
3. |
Declaration of interest
Gwyneth Langley – BEP |
4. |
Approval of minutes from the meeting held on 9.11.2020
Matters arising within the minutes including follow up actions are covered within the agenda.
Minutes approved.
Future of BASG & membership
GL joined the meeting. PR is finalizing signatories for the accounts. PR explained that the working relationship with LA continues to blossom. The COVID situation has meant governorship has had to develop as a virtual role. It was felt that the further development and linking with the Networking groups would be a good dovetailing for governorship across the authority. Two possible new members had contacted PR and they will be attending the AGM for nomination. Their presence on the Executive group may well facilitate further links with and development of networking groups across Bucks. It was felt in the present pandemic situation we need to encourage networking across the authority. Governors are not having the opportunity to meet face to face with little opportunity for networking. It was also agreed that the group would like to ensure that a more regular BASG newsletter is made available through the link on the website. The purpose of this will be to communicate, signpost events and happenings for governors in their role. JM and BA will liaise to ensure this happens with one being finalized and published before the Spring half term. Contributions will be sort from the Executive group. |
Email sent to the BASG Executive group 12.01.21 |
6. |
BEP update |
In order to ensure there is an overview of the needs of governors across the county, GL on behalf of BEP, fed back the following information from BEP’s awareness:
· Training bookings have increased · Queries on the role of governors during the pandemic situation · Remote Education · Number of pupils in school · Information on how to complete present procedures/processes · Various questions linked to the present situation · Chairs briefing on 5th March
The group were pleased to receive this overview. |
7. |
Schools |
The present situation has put tremendous additional pressure on Headteachers in schools. The LA is aware of this and support for schools is a priority. The group discussed the issue of making testing available for all school staff as a priority. PL has been looking into this and he will continue to follow up on this. This could provide further confidence for schools to be open for all pupils as soon as possible. It may also lessen the anxiety from parents which has meant they do not wish their children to attend school during the COVID situation. This in certain sectors of communities, further exasperates disadvantaged pupils.
8. |
The BASG AGM will be on 14.01.2021. The minutes from the previous AGM were reviewed with no further action required. Martin Baxter and Andrew Brown are keen to join the Executive group. They will attend the AGM and will be nominated. Martin Baxter co-ordinates the Aylesbury Networking group and Andrew Brown is keen to resurface the Chesham networking/partnership group.
The AGM will be held virtually through Teams.
AGM Timings: 17.00 – 17.30 – AGM 17.30 -18.00 – Guest Speaker, Emma Knights 18.00 – 18.15 – Questions for Emma Knights
PR & AS are co-ordinating the AGM with the link to go out to 80 attendees. Minutes from the previous AGM will be on the BASG website.
Emma Knights OBE – (Chief Executive NGA) will be the Keynote speaker |
9. |
Communication with BC |
PR informed the group that he is involved in on-going communication and discussions with the LA. The training programme from the LA continues with a further agenda being issued for the second half of the Spring Term.
10 |
Date and venue of next meeting |
The date for the next meeting of the BASG Executive group 1.2.2021 at 17.00
Meeting closed at 18.15