Welcome Back!

Sent on behalf of Gareth Drawmer, Head of Achievement and Learning

Revised Guidance – BC support document for schools 1-9-2020

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome back to a new term and a new school year. We know how busy you have been over the holidays preparing for this week and the whole team here at Buckinghamshire Council is really grateful for all the work that you have put in to make reopening a success.

I think that we all recognise that this term is going to be hard and we will all be tested as the weeks and months go on. The team have been working hard to prepare information and support to give you guidance and clarity in some of the decisions that you will have to make. The first of these documents is attached to this email.

The Revised Guidance document details the changes made on Friday evening from the original guidance which was issued in July, along with some actions that you may like to consider in light of the changes. We hope that you find this helpful.

I look forward to seeing you all over the coming months and hope that today was a positive start to the year.

Warm regards,


Gareth Drawmer

Head of Service

Achievement & Learning

Children’s Services

Buckinghamshire Council

Walton Street, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1UZ


Office – 01296 382384

Mobile – 07850 539148
